Back to School, Back to (Grad) School (in Education)…


The face in the above image of the iconic Billy Madison character pretty well represents how I’ve felt upon my return to graduate school after four years of playing the desk-job field. I want to be very clear: I am extremely, undeniably, incredibly luck to be at an amazing institution full of some of the most fascinating minds I have ever come across. My classes are (mostly) very interesting and I’m truly enjoying myself. The kicker is this: I knew I was going back to school to learn about education, technology, and learning, but I didn’t realize I was going to unlearn everything I knew about learning. Instructivism is a criminal ideology, behaviorism: what does anyone really think about this?, constructivism -> constructionism -> connectivism -> I’m just about at -ism capacity. But how does any of this apply to the “real world”, or at least MY “real world”? Here’s the thing about HGSE: at some point you realize that you’re really just sorting through non-sense and sense to build your own use of it in the “real world”. Only at that point do you realize the aggravating power of what this place is doing to your mind.

Right now, I’ll be honest: I’m still a little uncertain, but I’m okay with that.

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